Sleep and Technology

Dreamland Delayed: How Gadgets Leave You Bleary-Eyed at Bedtime

It’s no secret our growing screen time is having adverse effects on our health, and one central area being impacted is our sleep. Strong correlations between increased device use before bed and poorer quality and quantity of sleep. This issue is quite prevalent right now in places like Encino, CA, where technology use is high. Dr. Simmons often talks with patients about mitigating tech’s effects on sleep.

What Is Blue Light?

The blue light emitted from phones, tablets, computers, and TVs is a critical culprit in sleep disruption. This light inhibits the release of melatonin, our sleep hormone, tricking our brains into feeling more awake. Teens in Encino, CA tend to be on screens late into the night, leading to chronic sleep deprivation. Dr. Simmons sees many groggy adolescent patients and counsels them on improving sleep hygiene.

How Does Blue Light Affect Sleep?

Besides blue light’s effects, the mental stimulation from screens also makes it harder for our minds to unwind at night. Whether you’re finishing up work emails or getting sucked into a social media scroll session, having your brain engaged right before bed is detrimental to falling and staying asleep. Dr. Simmons recommends calming pre-sleep activities like reading a book, taking a bath, or trying meditation.


What’s more, notifications from our devices can disrupt our sleep by causing micro-awakenings. Even if you don’t fully wake up, these brief arousals fragment your sleep, reducing its restorative benefits. Families should consider turning off WiFi at night or setting all devices to silent mode before bed. For patients having sleep issues, Dr. Simmons suggests leaving phones out of the bedroom entirely.

What is Sleep Deprivation?

Sleep deprivation can accumulate and seriously impact health, well-being, and performance. Daytime drowsiness makes it hard for patients to focus at work and often increases the risk of accidents. There are also impacts on mood, immune function, and heart health over time. Dr. Simmons sees lack of sleep exacerbating many medical conditions.

How Do I Get Better Sleep?

The good news is making some adjustments can go a long way in preserving precious sleep. Experts recommend avoiding screens for at least an hour before bedtime. Dimming the lights in your Encino, CA home at night helps cue melatonin release as well. Dr. Simmons advises patients to establish a consistent, relaxing pre-bed routine. Getting organized and tackling worries earlier in the day can prevent mental stimulation from spilling over into sleep time too.

Take These Simple Steps to Achieve Better Sleep

If you or a loved one in Encino, CA has been struggling with poor sleep, don’t wait to take action. Lack of sleep can seriously deteriorate your health and quality of life over time. 

At Encino Center for Sleep & TMJ Disorders, your sleep health is their top priority. Their sole mission is to help patients achieve restful nights and improved well-being. If you’re tired of tossing and turning, call Encino Center for Sleep & TMJ Disorders today at (818) 300-0070 and reclaim the benefits of a good night’s sleep. The time for better sleep is now!
