January 31, 2019

Sleep apnea treatment can be expensive—however, there are many things you can do to reduce the symptoms of sleep apnea at little to no cost. Furthermore, you can fight sleep apnea from the comfort of your own home because the condition is mostly preventable and is often developed because of a person’s own lifestyle choices.

By combining your customized treatment that you received from Dr. Simmons with the four tips below, you’re one step closer to conquering your sleep disorder.

Sleep Apnea Care Begins and Ends with You

When we have issues with our bodies, we seek the advice of our doctors to guide us to the right treatment solutions. However, our actions often determine whether the problem improves or worsens.

Most of the responsibility, regarding symptom relief, rests in the palms of the patient, as they’re the ones who have the final say about decisions affecting their health—especially with complex disorders, such as sleep apnea.

One reason this is true is that the treatment options (oral appliances and CPAP machines) require discipline to provide efficient and robust results. Below are four personal life changes that can help to eliminate sleep apnea symptoms permanently, and they all require control and compromise.

Stop Sleep Apnea with Four Lifestyle Changes

If you’re suffering from sleep apnea, follow these recommendations to manage and diminish your sleep apnea symptoms.

1. Avoid Tobacco & Alcohol

One of the easiest ways to fight sleep apnea is to avoid substances that aggravate the condition. While we’re focused on alcohol and tobacco, other drugs relax the back of your throat—and they’re equally blame-worthy. Drugs such as alcohol and tobacco can create blockages in your throat that causes sleep apnea.

2. Sleep on Your Belly (Or Side)

Sleep apnea is a debilitating disorder that is best dealt with if you sleep on your side or stomach. Sleeping on your back allows your tongue and throat tissue to fall back down your throat, blocking airflow. This type of positional therapy provides our patients with an easy symptom solution that they can alter throughout the night.

3. Choose a Healthy Diet: Go Lean

One of the most significant factors when dealing with sleep apnea symptoms is the patient’s weight. If they’re obese, it can negate any of the treatments you use. To lose weight and fight sleep apnea, only allow high-quality foods into your diet. We don’t expect you to stop eating junk food, but minimizing the amount of fast or processed food is an excellent place to start.

As soon as you’ve lost a few pounds, you’ll immediately begin to see and feel a difference. After that, breathing becomes more comfortable, and you’ll watch as your sleep apnea symptoms dissipate.

4. Get Active!

Now that you’re eating better, and thus breathing better, we recommend introducing a routine exercise program into your daily activities. Working out strengthens your heart and muscles, boosts your metabolism, and burns calories—all of which fight sleep apnea.

If fitness hasn’t been a part of your life and you don’t know where to start, here are a few suggestions to get you going:

  • Go hiking at a local nature preserve
  • Find a bike path in your town and go for a ride
  • Rally your friends and try tennis, basketball, or walking
  • Join a walking or jogging group in your city
  • Join a gym (extra points if you hire a personal trainer)
  • Try a Groupon for fitness activities

Let Dr. Simmons Help You Fight Sleep Apnea

Overcoming sleep apnea is something you need to do for yourself, but that doesn’t mean you have to do it alone. Dr. Simmons can help you manage your sleep disorder with our effective sleep apnea treatments.

If you’re curious about sleep apnea and anything it entails, we recommend contacting our office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Simmons today. During this time, he can answer any questions you may have, and he’ll ensure you get the care you deserve.
